Risk Evaluation

It is a critical component of risk management that involves assessing and prioritizing potential risks to determine their impact on an organization and deciding how to address them.

Tools and Techniques for Risk Evaluation

  • Risk Matrix: A visual tool that plots risks on a grid based on their likelihood and impact.
  • SWOT Analysis: Identifies strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats related to risks.
  • Monte Carlo Simulation: A quantitative technique that uses probability distributions to model and analyze the impact of risks.
  • Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA): Identifies potential failure modes within a system and their impact.

Risk Formula

  • Risk = Threat x Vulnerability x Impact
  • Likelihood = Threat x Vulnerability
  • Risk = Likelihood x Impact
  • Impact - Measures the consequence of a successful attack.

Risk Matrix

  • Catastrophic: ctr
  • Critical: cr
    Impact\LikelihoodVery LowLowMediumHighVery High
    Very LowTrivialMinorMinorMajorcr
    Very HighMajorcrctrctrctr

Threat Model Frameworks

  • VAST
  • NIST
  • Spoofing - Spoofing occurs when someone masquerades as a person or system they are not.
  • Tampering - Someone alters data
  • Repudiation - The ability to deny something
  • Information Disclosure - Threat of leaking privileged or sensitive information
  • Denial of Service - Aims to render a service or system unusable
  • Elevation of Privilege - A user performs actions not intended for their level of permissions


  • Threat Models: The process for identifying potential security threats and vulnerabilities, evaluating the risk, determining mitigations for such threats, and prioritizing any mitigations or fixes to the system.

  • Vulnerability: It is a weakness in a system or software that can be exploited to make a system behave in an unintended way.

  • Threat: A threat is a hypothetical event wherein an attacker could use (or exploit) a vulnerability.

  • Asset Valuation: asset - An asset in the context of information security is anything of value to a business that is related to information systems.

  • Mitigation and Prioritizing Risk: mitigation is an action taken to reduce the risk of a given threat.

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